Three Roofing Materials That You May Not Have Heard Of To Use As Roofing On Your Home

If it is time to install a new roof on your home, you may want to use roofing products that are a little different than conventional asphalt shingles. Materials like slates, tiles and shakes are products that you may be thinking of, but they are not the only alternatives. You can also use things like stone slabs, solar shingles or metal shingles for your new roof. If you want to use a different type of material as the roofing on your home, here are three roofing products that you may have not heard of as roofing products:

1. Stone Slabs As Roofing Materials

If you like the look of slate roofing, you may consider something else because of the price. Slate is not the only rock material that is used for roofing. You can also get roofing slabs made from other types of rock materials such as limestone. This type of roofing is best for dry climates, where you want to have a durable and fire resistant roofing material. In wet climates, you will want to avoid materials like limestone, which will erode more quickly than a harder rock material.

2. Solar Roofing Shingles For Green Energy

If you want to have solar power installed on your roof but do not want to have unsightly solar panel racks, solar shingles can be a great solution. These are roof shingles that have solar cells incorporated into them and come in many different styles. They can be used as part of the roofing system, or there are entire roofing systems that can be installed to make up the solar array on your roof. These products can be installed on roofs with pitches or on flat roofs.

3. Metal Roofing Shingles For A More Durable Roof

Metal is a practical material to use as the roofing on your home. It is long lasting and very durable. These products are usually seamed roofing products, but there are also metal shingles available for the roofing on your home. The metal shingles give you all the benefits of metal roofing, but with the look of shingles or shakes. It is an ideal roofing material to use in areas with a lot of rain, and to provide resistance for things like wind damage.

These are some alternative roofing products that you can have installed on your home.  If you need help with the installation of some of these products on your home, contact a professional roofing contractor, from a company like Sam The Roofer, and ask them about installing these products on your home.
