Do You Have An Old Stained Inclined Garage Under Your House? Consider Epoxy Flooring Coatings

If you have a garage that you drive down into on an angle, and this garage has access to the backyard through the back door, debris may pass through frequently, causing the floor to become dusty and slippery. Cleaning can be constant, and if you are always putting lawn care furniture and other items in the garage, it can be difficult to keep up with the space.

Epoxy has a variety of benefits when you want to have a garage that looks clean and is clean, and when you want to make the space easy to clean and safe. Here are some of the benefits of epoxy.

Cover Old Stains and Discoloration

A garage that is used regularly and houses vehicles, lawn machines, and more will get stains from fluids like oil, grime buildup, and more. A coating of epoxy will help make the garage more aesthetically appealing, and you can choose different color combinations or types of coating, depending on the look that you want. This is a fast facelift for the space.

Protect the Concrete

The epoxy coating will coat the concrete to protect it from damages and help preserve the surface. Since the garage was likely poured with the foundation of your home, this isn't something you want to have redone. Instead, protect what you have with an epoxy coating and extend the life of the garage floor.

Use a Textured No-Slip Surface Epoxy

Safety is always a concern as a homeowner. There are epoxy coatings that have textured options put in so you have some grip when you walk on the garage floor. This is ideal if the garage gets wet often and you worry about slip and fall concerns, or if you are driving cars, bikes, and lawn equipment in and out of the space frequently. If your garage is on an incline, this can be incredibly helpful when getting in and out on a rainy or snowy day.

The epoxy company will come to your home to measure the garage and give you a cost for the work that needs to be done. These things should be included in the quote:

  • Power washing
  • Prep work like concrete grinding
  • Epoxy application
  • Seal coat, if needed

Get multiple quotes if you are concerned about the cost of the work that needs to be done, or to make sure that the service professionals in your area offer are similar.

If your garage has an old, stained, and slippery floor, investigate epoxy options. This will provide aesthetic, safety, and preservation benefits right away. Contact an epoxy floors service near you to learn more.
